#31 2014-02-11 14:07:54



Zarejestrowany: 2011-12-26
Posty: 5898
Wiek: 116

Re: Emma Morano

Emma osi±gnê³a dzi¶ wiek Suekiku Miyanagi - 114 lat 74 dni.

B±d¼ aktywny, nie jedz za du¿o i b±d¼ dobry dla innych ludzi - Je¿eli bêdziesz zdrowy, wszystko bêdzie mo¿liwe

                                                                                                                                    Walter Breuning



#32 2014-03-02 08:48:46



Zarejestrowany: 2011-12-26
Posty: 5898
Wiek: 116

Re: Emma Morano

Wczoraj Emma osi±gnê³a wiek Lucy Jane Asknew i Mary Anny Bonne - 114 lat 92 dni, a dzi¶ osi±ga wiek Eleny Slough i Florence Knapp.

B±d¼ aktywny, nie jedz za du¿o i b±d¼ dobry dla innych ludzi - Je¿eli bêdziesz zdrowy, wszystko bêdzie mo¿liwe

                                                                                                                                    Walter Breuning



#33 2014-03-14 15:01:07



Zarejestrowany: 2013-02-15
Posty: 1862

Re: Emma Morano

A dzisiaj Emma osi±gnê³a wiek Chiyo Shiraishi (114 lat 105 dni) i jest ju¿ na 73. miejscu



#34 2014-03-26 13:58:29



Zarejestrowany: 2013-02-15
Posty: 1862

Re: Emma Morano

114 lat 117 dni - ¦miertelny poziom (zmar³y Emma Verona Johnston i Mamie Rearden), je¶li jutra do¿yje, to dalej ju¿ powinno pój¶æ z górki



#35 2014-03-26 15:52:04



Zarejestrowany: 2011-12-26
Posty: 5898
Wiek: 116

Re: Emma Morano

Bêd± jeszcze gorsze miejsca, po trzy zgony w tym samym wieku.

B±d¼ aktywny, nie jedz za du¿o i b±d¼ dobry dla innych ludzi - Je¿eli bêdziesz zdrowy, wszystko bêdzie mo¿liwe

                                                                                                                                    Walter Breuning



#36 2014-04-18 06:38:47



Zarejestrowany: 2011-12-26
Posty: 5898
Wiek: 116

Re: Emma Morano

Rudi57 napisał:

114 lat 117 dni - ¦miertelny poziom (zmar³y Emma Verona Johnston i Mamie Rearden), je¶li jutra do¿yje, to dalej ju¿ powinno pój¶æ z górki

Ju¿ spotka³a siê z Olivi± Patrici± Thomas - 114 lat 140 dni.

B±d¼ aktywny, nie jedz za du¿o i b±d¼ dobry dla innych ludzi - Je¿eli bêdziesz zdrowy, wszystko bêdzie mo¿liwe

                                                                                                                                    Walter Breuning



#37 2014-04-18 07:17:11



Zarejestrowany: 2013-02-15
Posty: 1862

Re: Emma Morano

To ¶wietnie, ¿e jej tak dobrze idzie. Niech pokona Venere, a potem Dinê i bêdzie super



#38 2014-04-28 06:15:36



Zarejestrowany: 2011-12-26
Posty: 5898
Wiek: 116

Re: Emma Morano

Wczoraj pokona³a wiek Christiny Cock - 114 lat 148 dni a dzi¶ osi±ga ten sam wiek co Irene Frank - 114 lat 150 dni.

B±d¼ aktywny, nie jedz za du¿o i b±d¼ dobry dla innych ludzi - Je¿eli bêdziesz zdrowy, wszystko bêdzie mo¿liwe

                                                                                                                                    Walter Breuning



#39 2014-06-08 19:13:52



Zarejestrowany: 2013-02-15
Posty: 1862

Re: Emma Morano

Dzi¶ poziom Tase Matsunagi - 114 lat 191 dni (55. miejsce).



#40 2014-08-08 08:54:10



Zarejestrowany: 2013-04-21
Posty: 3796

Re: Emma Morano

Dzi¶, 8.8.2014, Emma Morano wyrównuje rekord Venere Pizzinato,



Kontakt: superstulatek110@interia.pl



#41 2014-08-08 14:07:20



Zarejestrowany: 2011-12-30
Posty: 1768
Wiek: 32

Re: Emma Morano

Równie¿ gratulujê i strasznie siê cieszê z tego powodu Po jej dzisiejszej rozmowie przez telefon s³ychaæ i czuæ, ¿e ma w sobie bardzo du¿o energii do ¿ycia i jeszcze dzieli siê z ni± z innymi. Jest niesamowicie otwarta, pe³na rado¶ci. ¯yczê jej wszystkiego najlepszego!



#42 2014-11-29 10:49:29



Zarejestrowany: 2013-04-21
Posty: 3796

Re: Emma Morano

Emma Morano w dniu dzisiejszym, ukoñczy³a 115 lat jako siódma osoba w Historii Europy.

Kontakt: superstulatek110@interia.pl



#43 2014-11-29 14:19:08



Zarejestrowany: 2013-04-21
Posty: 3796

Re: Emma Morano

Happy Birthday Emma, ​​the grandmother of Europe 115 years ago

http://www.lastampa.it/2014/11/29/itali … agina.html

"Tightens his hands the coin rose Expo 2015, wrapped in woolen shawl. Emma Morano today celebrates 115 years and does not need to make heads or tails to know what the fate in store. It is the oldest woman in Europe, the sixth in the world. The longest ever in Italy. Carla Fracci, the global ambassador of the event in Milan, the house did deliver in Verbania message cards, inviting her.

To secure the theme "Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life" from May to October will trigger debate on food, resources and power seems a suit made ​​to measure for Emma. In his ride through the centuries this girl of 1899 reminds us of the importance of simplicity. Starting right from the diet that brought her to reach this milestone special breakfast with an egg and toast, pasta for lunch with a pound of minced raw meat and a jar of fruit; 15 to the second egg and some cookies. At 18 still noodles at midnight a little 'banana lyophilized.

"How am I? Well, quiet - responds -. As a Pope. " The difference is that she is in the chair to tell, but from the day of his birth to now the chair of Peter took turns eleven popes. By Leo XIII to Francis. Needless to investigate, however, the Pope Argentine. The expression is the same when you hear the name of the Prime Minister today, Matteo Renzi: "No, I do not know them. Television has been so long since I watch more, Rete 4 hours watching me tired. The King? Yes, I remember him, and even the Queen. " The tribute of memory is to Vittorio Emanuele III, ascended the throne a year after the birth of Emma, ​​29 November 1899 in the village of Vercelli Civiasco. Of course, today there is a republic and Emma knows: the prefect Francesco Russo this year will deliver the greetings of President Napolitano who has been awarded, with Prime Minister Monti, the title of knight. The diploma is on display on the counter in the kitchen, next to the only box of medicines. "The doctor - smiles near the radiator - is once a month for the controls, I have just received the results of the analysis, it's all right." The flu vaccine? Never done, confirms Dr. Carlo Bava.

For many years Emma Morano does not go out of her apartment Pallanza. It is therefore within the walls of the home world of the grandmother of Europe arrived to put out 115 candles. Regular hours, two eggs a day and a pound of raw ground beef: this is the secret of longevity that repeats to anyone who goes to see.

The world of Emma is now locked in a room. The unforgettable days? Has no doubts: "When I went to dance, young. From Civiasco I had moved to Villadossola, the workers' houses around the steel mill. I had many suitors, when I came home in time came and took me to my mother slapped on the legs. "

At 13 he started working at Jutificio Ossolano, packaged bags. "Then I started to feel bad and to heal I moved to Pallanza, where there was air better, although I continued to do the same job." Until 1954 when she retired, exactly sixty years ago.

Meanwhile, life has severely tested "Augustus, my boyfriend of Villadossola, had left for the war. He never came back. " In fact, the National Association Alpini found that Augusto Barilati, class 1894, after returning from the front was assigned to the steel mills Breda in Milan and not seen again. But Mrs. Emma did not have the courage to say it. Why a husband then found him, although it did not last long. The grandmother of Europe was in fact capable of gestures modern: "He beat me - he says - and after yet another humiliation in 1938 decided to part." A year before he was born a boy, who died a few months. Nothing kept her tied to the chain of suffering. Emma remembers those days also the constant parade of black shirts of Mussolini. Still, after so much pain, she returned to savor his freedom. Would come a new war, the world would be changed to a supersonic speed. There would be time to learn new songs, Nilla Pizzi, and Claudio Villa as a favorite, and dream without moving too far from home. After all, the lesson is simple: time does not challenge, you live. Whatever you reserve.

But do not tell Emma, ​​who was seventy years old when man first set foot on the moon, that today there is a woman, Samantha Cristoforetti, on a spaceship traveling through space. Especially do not tell her, who shyly told us: "Rome? No, there have never been. Even abroad. The sea I saw in Genoa but my world was between Pallanza and Varallo Sesia, where I had relatives. " His little old world."

Kontakt: superstulatek110@interia.pl



#44 2014-11-29 14:54:03

 Mike Imich


Zarejestrowany: 2011-12-26
Posty: 4727
Wiek: 24

Re: Emma Morano

To nowe zdjêcia?

Byæ zwyciê¿onym i nie ulec to zwyciêstwo, zwyciê¿yæ i spocz±æ na laurach - to klêska.
Józef Pi³sudski



#45 2014-11-29 15:40:06



Zarejestrowany: 2013-04-21
Posty: 3796

Re: Emma Morano

Mike Imich napisał:

To nowe zdjêcia?


Kontakt: superstulatek110@interia.pl



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