Uff. Dziękuję, bo niedawno mi się śniło, że Arturo Licata nie żyje. No, Arturo, żyj jak najdłużej, bo musisz być świadkiem, jak NŻMWWB będzie zweryfikowany, bo wtedy to będziesz ty żył Imich i on i fajnie to będzie wyglądało, gdy ty Arturo będziesz miał 2 młodszych od Ciebie zweryfikowanych żyjących męskich ss
Niestety, Ralph Tarrant zmarł. Arturo Licata jest jedynym zweryfikowanym męskim ss w Europie.
stan na 13 XI 2013
1. Arturo Licata...............2 V 1902.....Włochy
2. Dr Alexander Imich.........4 II 1903.....Polska/USA
Ralph Tarrant 1903-2013
stan na 21 XI 2013
1. Emma Morano-Martinuzzi..........29 November 1899 Włochy 113
2. Ethel Lang........................................27 May 1900 Anglia 113
3. Olympe Amaury...............................19 June 1901 Francja 112
4. Rosa Bandini-Alberghi.............11 September 1901 Włochy 111
5. Francisca Garcia Torres...........13 September 1901 Hiszpania 111
6. Ana-Vela Rubio...........................29 October 1901 Hiszpania 111
7. Gertrud Henze..........................8 December 1901 Niemcy 111
8. Maria Concha Pérez-Cidad.........9 December 1901 Hiszpania 111
9. Dorothy Baldwin.......................8 February 1902 Anglia 111
10. Marguerite Conrad....................15 March 1902 Francja 111
Grace Jones 1899-2013
Kathleen McManners 1901-2013
Ale słabo ta Europa wypada na tle Stanów Zjednoczonych.
Jeszcze któraś z nich będzie NŻC. Emma?
Nie wygląda mi na taką która dojdzie do tytułu. Na the 110 club umieszczone film niedawno nagrany z nią. Nie jest źle, ale widać, że w najlepszym stanie z rocznika 1899 jest Jeralean Talley.
Besse, ona ma prawie 114!
To jest fenomen. Ona jest umysłowo całkowicie sprawna.
Ja myślę, że jest przykładem najwspanialszej długowieczności.
Niezwykłe, że 1899 ma dwie tak mocne osobistości.
styczeń 2014
1. Emma Morano-Martinuzzi..........29 November 1899 Włochy 113
2. Ethel Lang........................................27 May 1900 Anglia 113
3. Olympe Amaury...............................19 June 1901 Francja 112
4. Rosa Bandini-Alberghi.............11 September 1901 Włochy 112
5. Francisca Garcia Torres...........13 September 1901 Hiszpania 112
6. Ana-Vela Rubio...........................29 October 1901 Hiszpania 112
7. Gertrud Henze..........................8 December 1901 Niemcy 112
8. Maria Concha Pérez-Cidad.........9 December 1901 Hiszpania 112
9. Marguerite Conrad....................15 March 1902 Francja 111
10. Marie-Josephine Gaudette...........25 March 1902 Włochy 111
Dorothy Baldwin 1902-2014
1. Goldie Steinberg.............................30 October 1900 113 Mołdawia/USA
2. Esther Ecklund................................28 October 1901 112 Szwecja/USA
3. Jane Gray.......................................1 December 1901 112 Szkocja/Australia
4. Kathleen Snavely.............................16 February 1902 111 Irlandia
5. Dr. Alexander Imich...........................4 February 1903 110 Polska/USA
luty 2014
1 Emma Morano [EOP].........................29 November 1899 114* Italy----------OLP in Italy
2 Ethel Lang....................................................27 May 1900 113* United Kingdom-----------OLP in the UK
3 Olympe Amaury.............................................19 June 1901 112* France-----------OLP in France
4 Rosa Bandini-Alberghi............................11 September 1901 112* Italy
5 Francisca Garcia Torres.........................13 September 1901 112* Spain-----------OLP in Spain
6 Eudoxie Baboul........................................1 October 1901 112* France (lives in French Guiana)
7 Ana-Vela Rubio........................................29 October 1901 112* Spain
8 Gertrud Henze........................................8 December 1901 112* Germany-----------OLP in Germany
9 Maria Concha Pérez-Cidad......................9 December 1901 112* Spain
10 Marguerite Conrad.....................................15 March 1902 111* France
11 Marie-Josephine Gaudette..........................25 March 1902 111* Italy (born in the USA)
12 Arturo Licata [WOM]................................2 May 1902 111* Italy
13 Fanny Godin................................................27 May 1902 111* Belgium-----------OLP in Belgium
14 Giuseppina Projetto......................................30 May 1902 111* Italy
15 Rosa Pesce........................................12 September 1902 111* Italy
16 Dorothy Peel.......................................28 September 1902 111* United Kingdom
17 Florence Pittaway...................................15 October 1902 111* United Kingdom
18 Egbertje Leutscher-de Vries......................22 October 1902 111* Netherlands-----------OLP in Netherlands
19 Adelaida González....................................23 October 1902 111* Spain
20 Gladys Hooper...................18 January 1903 111* United Kingdom
Emilija Krištopaitienė..........15 October 1902 111* Lithuania----------OLP in Lithuania
Jeanne Bournat.................22 January 1903 111* France
Remei Company................10 February 1903 111* Spain
Margherita Venzo..............21 February 1903 110* Italy
Margarete Ottmann...........23 February 1903 110* Germany (born in today Poland)
Maria Giuseppa Robucci.........20 March 1903 110* Italy
Margaret Sandiford...............24 March 1903 110* United Kingdom
Odette Colin........................28 March 1903 110* France
Elisabeth Collot......................21 June 1903 110* France
Gwendoline Phillips...................17 July 1903 110* United Kingdom
Honorine Rondello....................28 July 1903 110* France
Léa Revault.........................7 August 1903 110* France
Hilda Jackson.....................19 August 1903 110* United Kingdom
Juliette Trimaille..................21 August 1903 110* France
Emilia Zucchetti..................28 August 1903 110* Italy
Madeleine Bréhamel.............31 August 1903 110* France
Mélanie Leblais................4 September 1903 110* France
Ivy Clapham...................6 September 1903 110* United Kingdom
Filomena Lembo.............25 September 1903 110* Italy
Aleksandra Dranka...............3 October 1903 110* Poland-----------OLP in Poland
Alma Rayward.....................3 October 1903 110* United Kingdom
Winifred Warhurst...............22 October 1903 110* United Kingdom
María Pueyo Goti................30 October 1903 110* Spain
Mathilde Dupray.................31 October 1903 110* France
Henriette Boeuf.................4 November 1903 110* France
Annie Meston..................12 November 1903 110* United Kingdom
Alice Herz-Sommer...........26 November 1903 110* United Kingdom (born in today Czech Republic)
Audrey Middleton.............30 November 1903 110* United Kingdom
Calogera Nicolosi...............4 December 1903 110* Italy
Dr. Edith Kaufmann...........12 December 1903 110* United Kingdom (born in today Czech Republic)
1 Goldie Steinberg.................30 October 1900 113* Moldova ---> USA
2 Esther Ecklund...................28 October 1901 112* Sweden ---> USA
3 Jane Gray.........................1 December 1901 112* United Kingdom ---> Australia------------OLP in Australia
4 Kathleen Snavely..............16 February 1902 112* Ireland ---> USA
5 Dr. Alexander Imich.............4 February 1903 111* Poland ---> USA
Irene Ciuffoletti...........................19 January 1903 111* Italy --->United States
Vincenza Balassone-Colucci...........24 January 1903 111* Italy --->United States
Ada Furby........................................22 July 1903 110* United Kingdom --->Australia
Dorothy Baldwin..............8 February 1902 - 1 January 2014 111 years, 327 days United Kingdom
Elisabeth Chaudière.........13 January 1903 - 20 January 2014 111 years, 7 days France
Marie-Louise Fuset..........10 February 1903 - 25 January 2014 110 years, 349 days France
Françoise Grisanti..............28 October 1902 - 2 February 2014 111 years, 97 days France
1. GRG Table E: http://www.grg.org/Adams/E.HTM
2. GRG Table EE: http://www.grg.org/Adams/EE6.htm
luty 2014
1 Emma Morano [EOP].........................29 November 1899 114* Italy----------OLP in Italy
2 Ethel Lang....................................................27 May 1900 113* United Kingdom-----------OLP in the UK
3 Olympe Amaury.............................................19 June 1901 112* France-----------OLP in France
4 Rosa Bandini-Alberghi............................11 September 1901 112* Italy
5 Francisca Garcia Torres.........................13 September 1901 112* Spain-----------OLP in Spain
6 Eudoxie Baboul........................................1 October 1901 112* France (lives in French Guiana)
7 Ana-Vela Rubio........................................29 October 1901 112* Spain
8 Gertrud Henze........................................8 December 1901 112* Germany-----------OLP in Germany
9 Maria Concha Pérez-Cidad......................9 December 1901 112* Spain
10 Marguerite Conrad.....................................15 March 1902 111* France
11 Marie-Josephine Gaudette..........................25 March 1902 111* Italy (born in the USA)
12 Arturo Licata [WOM]................................2 May 1902 111* Italy
13 Fanny Godin................................................27 May 1902 111* Belgium-----------OLP in Belgium
14 Giuseppina Projetto......................................30 May 1902 111* Italy
15 Rosa Pesce........................................12 September 1902 111* Italy
16 Dorothy Peel.......................................28 September 1902 111* United Kingdom
17 Florence Pittaway...................................15 October 1902 111* United Kingdom
18 Egbertje Leutscher-de Vries......................22 October 1902 111* Netherlands-----------OLP in Netherlands
19 Adelaida González....................................23 October 1902 111* Spain
20 Gladys Hooper...................18 January 1903 111* United Kingdom
Emilija Krištopaitienė..........15 October 1902 111* Lithuania----------OLP in Lithuania
Jeanne Bournat.................22 January 1903 111* France
Remei Company................10 February 1903 111* Spain
Margherita Venzo..............21 February 1903 110* Italy
Margarete Ottmann...........23 February 1903 110* Germany (born in today Poland)
Maria Giuseppa Robucci.........20 March 1903 110* Italy
Odette Colin........................28 March 1903 110* France
Elisabeth Collot......................21 June 1903 110* France
Gwendoline Phillips...................17 July 1903 110* United Kingdom
Honorine Rondello....................28 July 1903 110* France
Léa Revault.........................7 August 1903 110* France
Hilda Jackson.....................19 August 1903 110* United Kingdom
Juliette Trimaille..................21 August 1903 110* France
Emilia Zucchetti..................28 August 1903 110* Italy
Madeleine Bréhamel.............31 August 1903 110* France
Mélanie Leblais................4 September 1903 110* France
Ivy Clapham...................6 September 1903 110* United Kingdom
Filomena Lembo.............25 September 1903 110* Italy
Aleksandra Dranka...............3 October 1903 110* Poland-----------OLP in Poland
Alma Rayward.....................3 October 1903 110* United Kingdom
Winifred Warhurst...............22 October 1903 110* United Kingdom
María Pueyo Goti................30 October 1903 110* Spain
Mathilde Dupray.................31 October 1903 110* France
Henriette Boeuf.................4 November 1903 110* France
Annie Meston..................12 November 1903 110* United Kingdom
Audrey Middleton.............30 November 1903 110* United Kingdom
Calogera Nicolosi...............4 December 1903 110* Italy
Dr. Edith Kaufmann...........12 December 1903 110* United Kingdom (born in today Czech Republic)
1 Goldie Steinberg.................30 October 1900 113* Moldova ---> USA
2 Esther Ecklund...................28 October 1901 112* Sweden ---> USA
3 Jane Gray.........................1 December 1901 112* United Kingdom ---> Australia------------OLP in Australia
4 Kathleen Snavely..............16 February 1902 112* Ireland ---> USA
5 Dr. Alexander Imich.............4 February 1903 111* Poland ---> USA
Irene Ciuffoletti...........................19 January 1903 111* Italy --->United States
Vincenza Balassone-Colucci...........24 January 1903 111* Italy --->United States
Ada Furby........................................22 July 1903 110* United Kingdom --->Australia
Dorothy Baldwin..............8 February 1902 - 1 January 2014 111 years, 327 days United Kingdom
Elisabeth Chaudière.........13 January 1903 - 20 January 2014 111 years, 7 days France
Marie-Louise Fuset..........10 February 1903 - 25 January 2014 110 years, 349 days France
Françoise Grisanti..............28 October 1902 - 2 February 2014 111 years, 97 days France
Margaret Sandiford...............24 March 1903 - 6 February 2014 110 years 319 days United Kingdom
Alice Herz-Sommer...........26 November 1903 - 23 February 2014 110 years 89 days United Kingdom (born in today Czech Republic)
1. GRG Table E: http://www.grg.org/Adams/E.HTM
2. GRG Table EE: http://www.grg.org/Adams/EE6.htm
marzec 2014
1 Emma Morano [EOP].........................29 November 1899 114* Italy----------OLP in Italy (since 2 April 2013)
2 Ethel Lang....................................................27 May 1900 113* United Kingdom-----------OLP in the UK (since 14 November 2013)
3 Olympe Amaury.............................................19 June 1901 112* France-----------OLP in France (since 14 July 2013)
4 Rosa Bandini-Alberghi............................11 September 1901 112* Italy
5 Ana-Vela Rubio........................................29 October 1901 112* Spain-----------OLP in Spain (since 25 February 2014)
6 Gertrud Henze........................................8 December 1901 112* Germany-----------OLP in Germany (since 9 February 2013)
7 Maria Concha Pérez-Cidad......................9 December 1901 112* Spain
8 Marie-Josephine Gaudette..........................25 March 1902 111* Italy (born in the USA)
9 Arturo Licata [EOM], [WOM].............................2 May 1902 111* Italy
10 Fanny Godin................................................27 May 1902 111* Belgium-----------OLP in Belgium (since 11 May 2012)
11 Giuseppina Projetto......................................30 May 1902 111* Italy
12 Rosa Pesce........................................12 September 1902 111* Italy
13 Dorothy Peel.......................................28 September 1902 111* United Kingdom
14 Florence Pittaway...................................15 October 1902 111* United Kingdom
15 Egbertje Leutscher-de Vries......................22 October 1902 111* Netherlands-----------OLP in Netherlands (since 21 August 2012)
16 Adelaida González....................................23 October 1902 111* Spain
17 Gladys Hooper.........................................18 January 1903 111* United Kingdom
18 Aleksandra Dranka....................................3 October 1903 110* Poland-----------OLP in Poland (since 14 May 2013)
Emilija Krištopaitienė..........15 October 1902 111* Lithuania----------OLP in Lithuania
Jeanne Bournat.................22 January 1903 111* France
Remei Company................10 February 1903 111* Spain
Margherita Venzo..............21 February 1903 111* Italy
Margarete Ottmann...........23 February 1903 111* Germany (born in today Poland)
Maria Giuseppa Robucci.........20 March 1903 111* Italy
Odette Colin........................28 March 1903 110* France
Elisabeth Collot......................21 June 1903 110* France
Gwendoline Phillips...................17 July 1903 110* United Kingdom
Honorine Rondello....................28 July 1903 110* France
Léa Revault.........................7 August 1903 110* France
Hilda Jackson.....................19 August 1903 110* United Kingdom
Juliette Trimaille..................21 August 1903 110* France
Emilia Zucchetti..................28 August 1903 110* Italy
Madeleine Bréhamel.............31 August 1903 110* France
Mélanie Leblais................4 September 1903 110* France
Ivy Clapham...................6 September 1903 110* United Kingdom
Alma Rayward.....................3 October 1903 110* United Kingdom
Mathilde Dupray.................31 October 1903 110* France
Henriette Boeuf.................4 November 1903 110* France
Annie Meston..................12 November 1903 110* United Kingdom
Audrey Middleton.............30 November 1903 110* United Kingdom
Calogera Nicolosi...............4 December 1903 110* Italy
Dr. Edith Kaufmann...........12 December 1903 110* United Kingdom (born in today Czech Republic)
Vera Schmitt........................28 December 1903 110* Germany
Maria Crescini.........................20 January 1904 110* Italy
Gallai Rezső.........................29 January 1904 110* Hungary----------OLP in Hungary
Maria Francesca Vernile.............5 February 1904 110* Italy
1 Goldie Steinberg.................30 October 1900 113* Moldova ---> USA
2 Jane Gray.........................1 December 1901 112* United Kingdom ---> Australia------------OLP in Australia
3 Kathleen Snavely..............16 February 1902 112* Ireland ---> USA
4 Dr. Alexander Imich.............4 February 1903 111* Poland ---> USA
Irene Ciuffoletti...........................19 January 1903 111* Italy --->United States
Vincenza Balassone-Colucci...........24 January 1903 111* Italy --->United States
Ada Furby........................................22 July 1903 110* United Kingdom --->Australia
Conrad Johnson
maj 2014
1 Emma Morano [EOP].........................29 November 1899 114* Italy----------Doyenne of Italy and Europe (since 2 April 2013)
2 Ethel Lang....................................................27 May 1900 113* United Kingdom-----------Doyenne of the UK (since 14 November 2013)
3 Olympe Amaury.............................................19 June 1901 112* France-----------Doyenne of France (since 14 July 2013)
4 Rosa Bandini-Alberghi............................11 September 1901 112* Italy
5 Ana-Vela Rubio........................................29 October 1901 112* Spain-----------Doyenne of Spain (since 25 February 2014)
7 Maria Concha Pérez-Cidad......................9 December 1901 112* Spain
8 Marie-Josephine Gaudette..........................25 March 1902 111* Italy (born in the USA)
10 Fanny Godin................................................27 May 1902 111* Belgium-----------Doyenne of Belgium (since 11 May 2012)
11 Giuseppina Projetto......................................30 May 1902 111* Italy
12 Rosa Pesce........................................12 September 1902 111* Italy
13 Dorothy Peel.......................................28 September 1902 111* United Kingdom
14 Florence Pittaway...................................15 October 1902 111* United Kingdom
15 Egbertje Leutscher-de Vries......................22 October 1902 111* Netherlands-----------Doyenne of Netherlands (since 21 August 2012)
16 Adelaida González....................................23 October 1902 111* Spain
17 Gladys Hooper.........................................18 January 1903 111* United Kingdom
18 Jeanne Bournat.......................................22 January 1903 111* France
19 Remei Company-Ventura.........................10 February 1903 111* Spain
20 Margherita Venzo-Rossi............................21 February 1903 111* Italy
Frieda Szwillus.......................30 March 1902 112* Germany
Johanna Klink....................17 January 1903 111* Germany (born in today Poland)
Margarete Ottmann...........23 February 1903 111* Germany (born in today Poland)
Maria Giuseppa Robucci.........20 March 1903 111* Italy
Elisabeth Collot......................21 June 1903 110* France
Georgette Leveillé...................28 June 1903 110* France
Gwendoline Phillips...................17 July 1903 110* United Kingdom
Honorine Rondello....................28 July 1903 110* France
Léa Revault.........................7 August 1903 110* France
Charlotte Klamroth.............18 August 1903 110* Germany
Hilda Jackson.....................19 August 1903 110* United Kingdom
Juliette Trimaille..................21 August 1903 110* France
Emilia Zucchetti..................28 August 1903 110* Italy
Madeleine Bréhamel.............31 August 1903 110* France
Mélanie Leblais................4 September 1903 110* France
Ivy Clapham...................6 September 1903 110* United Kingdom
Alma Rayward.....................3 October 1903 110* United Kingdom
Mathilde Dupray.................31 October 1903 110* France
Henriette Boeuf.................4 November 1903 110* France
Annie Meston..................12 November 1903 110* United Kingdom
Agnes Steenstrup............24 November 1903 110* Denmark-----------Doyenne of Denmark (since 25 January 2013)
Audrey Middleton.............30 November 1903 110* United Kingdom
Calogera Nicolosi...............4 December 1903 110* Italy
Dr. Edith Kaufmann...........12 December 1903 110* United Kingdom (born in today Czech Republic)
Maria Crescini.......................20 January 1904 110* Italy
Gallai Rezső.........................29 January 1904 110* Hungary----------Doyen of Hungary
Maria Francesca Vernile..........5 February 1904 110* Italy
Hermione Cock..........................1 March 1904 110* United Kingdom
Bartolomea De Marie..................3 March 1904 110* Italy
Fulvia Canale...........................10 March 1904 110* Italy
Rosina Nicolli-Bosetti.................12 March 1904 110* Italy
Maria Lazzeri............................15 March 1904 110* Italy / United Kingdom (Scotland)
Jeanne Pirenne-Lempereur..................8 April 1904 110* Belgium
1 Goldie Steinberg.................30 October 1900 113* Moldova ---> USA
2 Jane Gray.........................1 December 1901 112* United Kingdom ---> Australia------------OLP in Australia
3 Kathleen Snavely..............16 February 1902 112* Ireland ---> USA
4 Vincenza Balassone-Colucci...........24 January 1903 111* Italy --->United States
5 Dr. Alexander Imich [AOM] [WOM].............4 February 1903 111* Poland ---> USA AOM (since 13 IX 2013) WOM (since 24 IV 2014)
Irene Ciuffoletti...........................19 January 1903 111* Italy --->United States
Ada Furby........................................22 July 1903 110* United Kingdom --->Australia
Conrad Johnson
stan na 13 XI 2013
1. Dr. Alexander Imich...............4 II 1903.....111* Polska/USA
2. Gallai Rezso...........................29 I 1904.....110* Węgry
Arturo Licata 1902-2014
Zdaje się że Gallai Rezso został Najstarszym Mężczyzną w Europie.