Uff. Dziêkujê, bo niedawno mi siê ¶ni³o, ¿e Arturo Licata nie ¿yje. No, Arturo, ¿yj jak najd³u¿ej, bo musisz byæ ¶wiadkiem, jak N¯MWWB bêdzie zweryfikowany, bo wtedy to bêdziesz ty ¿y³ Imich i on i fajnie to bêdzie wygl±da³o, gdy ty Arturo bêdziesz mia³ 2 m³odszych od Ciebie zweryfikowanych ¿yj±cych mêskich ss
Niestety, Ralph Tarrant zmar³. Arturo Licata jest jedynym zweryfikowanym mêskim ss w Europie.
stan na 13 XI 2013
1. Arturo Licata...............2 V 1902.....W³ochy
2. Dr Alexander Imich.........4 II 1903.....Polska/USA
Ralph Tarrant 1903-2013
stan na 21 XI 2013
1. Emma Morano-Martinuzzi..........29 November 1899 W³ochy 113
2. Ethel Lang........................................27 May 1900 Anglia 113
3. Olympe Amaury...............................19 June 1901 Francja 112
4. Rosa Bandini-Alberghi.............11 September 1901 W³ochy 111
5. Francisca Garcia Torres...........13 September 1901 Hiszpania 111
6. Ana-Vela Rubio...........................29 October 1901 Hiszpania 111
7. Gertrud Henze..........................8 December 1901 Niemcy 111
8. Maria Concha Pérez-Cidad.........9 December 1901 Hiszpania 111
9. Dorothy Baldwin.......................8 February 1902 Anglia 111
10. Marguerite Conrad....................15 March 1902 Francja 111
Grace Jones 1899-2013
Kathleen McManners 1901-2013
Ale s³abo ta Europa wypada na tle Stanów Zjednoczonych.
Jeszcze która¶ z nich bêdzie N¯C. Emma?
Nie wygl±da mi na tak± która dojdzie do tytu³u. Na the 110 club umieszczone film niedawno nagrany z ni±. Nie jest ¼le, ale widaæ, ¿e w najlepszym stanie z rocznika 1899 jest Jeralean Talley.
Besse, ona ma prawie 114!
To jest fenomen. Ona jest umys³owo ca³kowicie sprawna.
Ja my¶lê, ¿e jest przyk³adem najwspanialszej d³ugowieczno¶ci.
Niezwyk³e, ¿e 1899 ma dwie tak mocne osobisto¶ci.
styczeñ 2014
1. Emma Morano-Martinuzzi..........29 November 1899 W³ochy 113
2. Ethel Lang........................................27 May 1900 Anglia 113
3. Olympe Amaury...............................19 June 1901 Francja 112
4. Rosa Bandini-Alberghi.............11 September 1901 W³ochy 112
5. Francisca Garcia Torres...........13 September 1901 Hiszpania 112
6. Ana-Vela Rubio...........................29 October 1901 Hiszpania 112
7. Gertrud Henze..........................8 December 1901 Niemcy 112
8. Maria Concha Pérez-Cidad.........9 December 1901 Hiszpania 112
9. Marguerite Conrad....................15 March 1902 Francja 111
10. Marie-Josephine Gaudette...........25 March 1902 W³ochy 111
Dorothy Baldwin 1902-2014
1. Goldie Steinberg.............................30 October 1900 113 Mo³dawia/USA
2. Esther Ecklund................................28 October 1901 112 Szwecja/USA
3. Jane Gray.......................................1 December 1901 112 Szkocja/Australia
4. Kathleen Snavely.............................16 February 1902 111 Irlandia
5. Dr. Alexander Imich...........................4 February 1903 110 Polska/USA
luty 2014
1 Emma Morano [EOP].........................29 November 1899 114* Italy----------OLP in Italy
2 Ethel Lang....................................................27 May 1900 113* United Kingdom-----------OLP in the UK
3 Olympe Amaury.............................................19 June 1901 112* France-----------OLP in France
4 Rosa Bandini-Alberghi............................11 September 1901 112* Italy
5 Francisca Garcia Torres.........................13 September 1901 112* Spain-----------OLP in Spain
6 Eudoxie Baboul........................................1 October 1901 112* France (lives in French Guiana)
7 Ana-Vela Rubio........................................29 October 1901 112* Spain
8 Gertrud Henze........................................8 December 1901 112* Germany-----------OLP in Germany
9 Maria Concha Pérez-Cidad......................9 December 1901 112* Spain
10 Marguerite Conrad.....................................15 March 1902 111* France
11 Marie-Josephine Gaudette..........................25 March 1902 111* Italy (born in the USA)
12 Arturo Licata [WOM]................................2 May 1902 111* Italy
13 Fanny Godin................................................27 May 1902 111* Belgium-----------OLP in Belgium
14 Giuseppina Projetto......................................30 May 1902 111* Italy
15 Rosa Pesce........................................12 September 1902 111* Italy
16 Dorothy Peel.......................................28 September 1902 111* United Kingdom
17 Florence Pittaway...................................15 October 1902 111* United Kingdom
18 Egbertje Leutscher-de Vries......................22 October 1902 111* Netherlands-----------OLP in Netherlands
19 Adelaida González....................................23 October 1902 111* Spain
20 Gladys Hooper...................18 January 1903 111* United Kingdom
Emilija Kri¹topaitienė..........15 October 1902 111* Lithuania----------OLP in Lithuania
Jeanne Bournat.................22 January 1903 111* France
Remei Company................10 February 1903 111* Spain
Margherita Venzo..............21 February 1903 110* Italy
Margarete Ottmann...........23 February 1903 110* Germany (born in today Poland)
Maria Giuseppa Robucci.........20 March 1903 110* Italy
Margaret Sandiford...............24 March 1903 110* United Kingdom
Odette Colin........................28 March 1903 110* France
Elisabeth Collot......................21 June 1903 110* France
Gwendoline Phillips...................17 July 1903 110* United Kingdom
Honorine Rondello....................28 July 1903 110* France
Léa Revault.........................7 August 1903 110* France
Hilda Jackson.....................19 August 1903 110* United Kingdom
Juliette Trimaille..................21 August 1903 110* France
Emilia Zucchetti..................28 August 1903 110* Italy
Madeleine Bréhamel.............31 August 1903 110* France
Mélanie Leblais................4 September 1903 110* France
Ivy Clapham...................6 September 1903 110* United Kingdom
Filomena Lembo.............25 September 1903 110* Italy
Aleksandra Dranka...............3 October 1903 110* Poland-----------OLP in Poland
Alma Rayward.....................3 October 1903 110* United Kingdom
Winifred Warhurst...............22 October 1903 110* United Kingdom
MarÃa Pueyo Goti................30 October 1903 110* Spain
Mathilde Dupray.................31 October 1903 110* France
Henriette Boeuf.................4 November 1903 110* France
Annie Meston..................12 November 1903 110* United Kingdom
Alice Herz-Sommer...........26 November 1903 110* United Kingdom (born in today Czech Republic)
Audrey Middleton.............30 November 1903 110* United Kingdom
Calogera Nicolosi...............4 December 1903 110* Italy
Dr. Edith Kaufmann...........12 December 1903 110* United Kingdom (born in today Czech Republic)
1 Goldie Steinberg.................30 October 1900 113* Moldova ---> USA
2 Esther Ecklund...................28 October 1901 112* Sweden ---> USA
3 Jane Gray.........................1 December 1901 112* United Kingdom ---> Australia------------OLP in Australia
4 Kathleen Snavely..............16 February 1902 112* Ireland ---> USA
5 Dr. Alexander Imich.............4 February 1903 111* Poland ---> USA
Irene Ciuffoletti...........................19 January 1903 111* Italy --->United States
Vincenza Balassone-Colucci...........24 January 1903 111* Italy --->United States
Ada Furby........................................22 July 1903 110* United Kingdom --->Australia
Dorothy Baldwin..............8 February 1902 - 1 January 2014 111 years, 327 days United Kingdom
Elisabeth Chaudière.........13 January 1903 - 20 January 2014 111 years, 7 days France
Marie-Louise Fuset..........10 February 1903 - 25 January 2014 110 years, 349 days France
Françoise Grisanti..............28 October 1902 - 2 February 2014 111 years, 97 days France
1. GRG Table E: http://www.grg.org/Adams/E.HTM
2. GRG Table EE: http://www.grg.org/Adams/EE6.htm
luty 2014
1 Emma Morano [EOP].........................29 November 1899 114* Italy----------OLP in Italy
2 Ethel Lang....................................................27 May 1900 113* United Kingdom-----------OLP in the UK
3 Olympe Amaury.............................................19 June 1901 112* France-----------OLP in France
4 Rosa Bandini-Alberghi............................11 September 1901 112* Italy
5 Francisca Garcia Torres.........................13 September 1901 112* Spain-----------OLP in Spain
6 Eudoxie Baboul........................................1 October 1901 112* France (lives in French Guiana)
7 Ana-Vela Rubio........................................29 October 1901 112* Spain
8 Gertrud Henze........................................8 December 1901 112* Germany-----------OLP in Germany
9 Maria Concha Pérez-Cidad......................9 December 1901 112* Spain
10 Marguerite Conrad.....................................15 March 1902 111* France
11 Marie-Josephine Gaudette..........................25 March 1902 111* Italy (born in the USA)
12 Arturo Licata [WOM]................................2 May 1902 111* Italy
13 Fanny Godin................................................27 May 1902 111* Belgium-----------OLP in Belgium
14 Giuseppina Projetto......................................30 May 1902 111* Italy
15 Rosa Pesce........................................12 September 1902 111* Italy
16 Dorothy Peel.......................................28 September 1902 111* United Kingdom
17 Florence Pittaway...................................15 October 1902 111* United Kingdom
18 Egbertje Leutscher-de Vries......................22 October 1902 111* Netherlands-----------OLP in Netherlands
19 Adelaida González....................................23 October 1902 111* Spain
20 Gladys Hooper...................18 January 1903 111* United Kingdom
Emilija Kri¹topaitienė..........15 October 1902 111* Lithuania----------OLP in Lithuania
Jeanne Bournat.................22 January 1903 111* France
Remei Company................10 February 1903 111* Spain
Margherita Venzo..............21 February 1903 110* Italy
Margarete Ottmann...........23 February 1903 110* Germany (born in today Poland)
Maria Giuseppa Robucci.........20 March 1903 110* Italy
Odette Colin........................28 March 1903 110* France
Elisabeth Collot......................21 June 1903 110* France
Gwendoline Phillips...................17 July 1903 110* United Kingdom
Honorine Rondello....................28 July 1903 110* France
Léa Revault.........................7 August 1903 110* France
Hilda Jackson.....................19 August 1903 110* United Kingdom
Juliette Trimaille..................21 August 1903 110* France
Emilia Zucchetti..................28 August 1903 110* Italy
Madeleine Bréhamel.............31 August 1903 110* France
Mélanie Leblais................4 September 1903 110* France
Ivy Clapham...................6 September 1903 110* United Kingdom
Filomena Lembo.............25 September 1903 110* Italy
Aleksandra Dranka...............3 October 1903 110* Poland-----------OLP in Poland
Alma Rayward.....................3 October 1903 110* United Kingdom
Winifred Warhurst...............22 October 1903 110* United Kingdom
MarÃa Pueyo Goti................30 October 1903 110* Spain
Mathilde Dupray.................31 October 1903 110* France
Henriette Boeuf.................4 November 1903 110* France
Annie Meston..................12 November 1903 110* United Kingdom
Audrey Middleton.............30 November 1903 110* United Kingdom
Calogera Nicolosi...............4 December 1903 110* Italy
Dr. Edith Kaufmann...........12 December 1903 110* United Kingdom (born in today Czech Republic)
1 Goldie Steinberg.................30 October 1900 113* Moldova ---> USA
2 Esther Ecklund...................28 October 1901 112* Sweden ---> USA
3 Jane Gray.........................1 December 1901 112* United Kingdom ---> Australia------------OLP in Australia
4 Kathleen Snavely..............16 February 1902 112* Ireland ---> USA
5 Dr. Alexander Imich.............4 February 1903 111* Poland ---> USA
Irene Ciuffoletti...........................19 January 1903 111* Italy --->United States
Vincenza Balassone-Colucci...........24 January 1903 111* Italy --->United States
Ada Furby........................................22 July 1903 110* United Kingdom --->Australia
Dorothy Baldwin..............8 February 1902 - 1 January 2014 111 years, 327 days United Kingdom
Elisabeth Chaudière.........13 January 1903 - 20 January 2014 111 years, 7 days France
Marie-Louise Fuset..........10 February 1903 - 25 January 2014 110 years, 349 days France
Françoise Grisanti..............28 October 1902 - 2 February 2014 111 years, 97 days France
Margaret Sandiford...............24 March 1903 - 6 February 2014 110 years 319 days United Kingdom
Alice Herz-Sommer...........26 November 1903 - 23 February 2014 110 years 89 days United Kingdom (born in today Czech Republic)
1. GRG Table E: http://www.grg.org/Adams/E.HTM
2. GRG Table EE: http://www.grg.org/Adams/EE6.htm
marzec 2014
1 Emma Morano [EOP].........................29 November 1899 114* Italy----------OLP in Italy (since 2 April 2013)
2 Ethel Lang....................................................27 May 1900 113* United Kingdom-----------OLP in the UK (since 14 November 2013)
3 Olympe Amaury.............................................19 June 1901 112* France-----------OLP in France (since 14 July 2013)
4 Rosa Bandini-Alberghi............................11 September 1901 112* Italy
5 Ana-Vela Rubio........................................29 October 1901 112* Spain-----------OLP in Spain (since 25 February 2014)
6 Gertrud Henze........................................8 December 1901 112* Germany-----------OLP in Germany (since 9 February 2013)
7 Maria Concha Pérez-Cidad......................9 December 1901 112* Spain
8 Marie-Josephine Gaudette..........................25 March 1902 111* Italy (born in the USA)
9 Arturo Licata [EOM], [WOM].............................2 May 1902 111* Italy
10 Fanny Godin................................................27 May 1902 111* Belgium-----------OLP in Belgium (since 11 May 2012)
11 Giuseppina Projetto......................................30 May 1902 111* Italy
12 Rosa Pesce........................................12 September 1902 111* Italy
13 Dorothy Peel.......................................28 September 1902 111* United Kingdom
14 Florence Pittaway...................................15 October 1902 111* United Kingdom
15 Egbertje Leutscher-de Vries......................22 October 1902 111* Netherlands-----------OLP in Netherlands (since 21 August 2012)
16 Adelaida González....................................23 October 1902 111* Spain
17 Gladys Hooper.........................................18 January 1903 111* United Kingdom
18 Aleksandra Dranka....................................3 October 1903 110* Poland-----------OLP in Poland (since 14 May 2013)
Emilija Kri¹topaitienė..........15 October 1902 111* Lithuania----------OLP in Lithuania
Jeanne Bournat.................22 January 1903 111* France
Remei Company................10 February 1903 111* Spain
Margherita Venzo..............21 February 1903 111* Italy
Margarete Ottmann...........23 February 1903 111* Germany (born in today Poland)
Maria Giuseppa Robucci.........20 March 1903 111* Italy
Odette Colin........................28 March 1903 110* France
Elisabeth Collot......................21 June 1903 110* France
Gwendoline Phillips...................17 July 1903 110* United Kingdom
Honorine Rondello....................28 July 1903 110* France
Léa Revault.........................7 August 1903 110* France
Hilda Jackson.....................19 August 1903 110* United Kingdom
Juliette Trimaille..................21 August 1903 110* France
Emilia Zucchetti..................28 August 1903 110* Italy
Madeleine Bréhamel.............31 August 1903 110* France
Mélanie Leblais................4 September 1903 110* France
Ivy Clapham...................6 September 1903 110* United Kingdom
Alma Rayward.....................3 October 1903 110* United Kingdom
Mathilde Dupray.................31 October 1903 110* France
Henriette Boeuf.................4 November 1903 110* France
Annie Meston..................12 November 1903 110* United Kingdom
Audrey Middleton.............30 November 1903 110* United Kingdom
Calogera Nicolosi...............4 December 1903 110* Italy
Dr. Edith Kaufmann...........12 December 1903 110* United Kingdom (born in today Czech Republic)
Vera Schmitt........................28 December 1903 110* Germany
Maria Crescini.........................20 January 1904 110* Italy
Gallai Rezsõ.........................29 January 1904 110* Hungary----------OLP in Hungary
Maria Francesca Vernile.............5 February 1904 110* Italy
1 Goldie Steinberg.................30 October 1900 113* Moldova ---> USA
2 Jane Gray.........................1 December 1901 112* United Kingdom ---> Australia------------OLP in Australia
3 Kathleen Snavely..............16 February 1902 112* Ireland ---> USA
4 Dr. Alexander Imich.............4 February 1903 111* Poland ---> USA
Irene Ciuffoletti...........................19 January 1903 111* Italy --->United States
Vincenza Balassone-Colucci...........24 January 1903 111* Italy --->United States
Ada Furby........................................22 July 1903 110* United Kingdom --->Australia
Conrad Johnson
maj 2014
1 Emma Morano [EOP].........................29 November 1899 114* Italy----------Doyenne of Italy and Europe (since 2 April 2013)
2 Ethel Lang....................................................27 May 1900 113* United Kingdom-----------Doyenne of the UK (since 14 November 2013)
3 Olympe Amaury.............................................19 June 1901 112* France-----------Doyenne of France (since 14 July 2013)
4 Rosa Bandini-Alberghi............................11 September 1901 112* Italy
5 Ana-Vela Rubio........................................29 October 1901 112* Spain-----------Doyenne of Spain (since 25 February 2014)
7 Maria Concha Pérez-Cidad......................9 December 1901 112* Spain
8 Marie-Josephine Gaudette..........................25 March 1902 111* Italy (born in the USA)
10 Fanny Godin................................................27 May 1902 111* Belgium-----------Doyenne of Belgium (since 11 May 2012)
11 Giuseppina Projetto......................................30 May 1902 111* Italy
12 Rosa Pesce........................................12 September 1902 111* Italy
13 Dorothy Peel.......................................28 September 1902 111* United Kingdom
14 Florence Pittaway...................................15 October 1902 111* United Kingdom
15 Egbertje Leutscher-de Vries......................22 October 1902 111* Netherlands-----------Doyenne of Netherlands (since 21 August 2012)
16 Adelaida González....................................23 October 1902 111* Spain
17 Gladys Hooper.........................................18 January 1903 111* United Kingdom
18 Jeanne Bournat.......................................22 January 1903 111* France
19 Remei Company-Ventura.........................10 February 1903 111* Spain
20 Margherita Venzo-Rossi............................21 February 1903 111* Italy
Frieda Szwillus.......................30 March 1902 112* Germany
Johanna Klink....................17 January 1903 111* Germany (born in today Poland)
Margarete Ottmann...........23 February 1903 111* Germany (born in today Poland)
Maria Giuseppa Robucci.........20 March 1903 111* Italy
Elisabeth Collot......................21 June 1903 110* France
Georgette Leveillé...................28 June 1903 110* France
Gwendoline Phillips...................17 July 1903 110* United Kingdom
Honorine Rondello....................28 July 1903 110* France
Léa Revault.........................7 August 1903 110* France
Charlotte Klamroth.............18 August 1903 110* Germany
Hilda Jackson.....................19 August 1903 110* United Kingdom
Juliette Trimaille..................21 August 1903 110* France
Emilia Zucchetti..................28 August 1903 110* Italy
Madeleine Bréhamel.............31 August 1903 110* France
Mélanie Leblais................4 September 1903 110* France
Ivy Clapham...................6 September 1903 110* United Kingdom
Alma Rayward.....................3 October 1903 110* United Kingdom
Mathilde Dupray.................31 October 1903 110* France
Henriette Boeuf.................4 November 1903 110* France
Annie Meston..................12 November 1903 110* United Kingdom
Agnes Steenstrup............24 November 1903 110* Denmark-----------Doyenne of Denmark (since 25 January 2013)
Audrey Middleton.............30 November 1903 110* United Kingdom
Calogera Nicolosi...............4 December 1903 110* Italy
Dr. Edith Kaufmann...........12 December 1903 110* United Kingdom (born in today Czech Republic)
Maria Crescini.......................20 January 1904 110* Italy
Gallai Rezsõ.........................29 January 1904 110* Hungary----------Doyen of Hungary
Maria Francesca Vernile..........5 February 1904 110* Italy
Hermione Cock..........................1 March 1904 110* United Kingdom
Bartolomea De Marie..................3 March 1904 110* Italy
Fulvia Canale...........................10 March 1904 110* Italy
Rosina Nicolli-Bosetti.................12 March 1904 110* Italy
Maria Lazzeri............................15 March 1904 110* Italy / United Kingdom (Scotland)
Jeanne Pirenne-Lempereur..................8 April 1904 110* Belgium
1 Goldie Steinberg.................30 October 1900 113* Moldova ---> USA
2 Jane Gray.........................1 December 1901 112* United Kingdom ---> Australia------------OLP in Australia
3 Kathleen Snavely..............16 February 1902 112* Ireland ---> USA
4 Vincenza Balassone-Colucci...........24 January 1903 111* Italy --->United States
5 Dr. Alexander Imich [AOM] [WOM].............4 February 1903 111* Poland ---> USA AOM (since 13 IX 2013) WOM (since 24 IV 2014)
Irene Ciuffoletti...........................19 January 1903 111* Italy --->United States
Ada Furby........................................22 July 1903 110* United Kingdom --->Australia
Conrad Johnson
stan na 13 XI 2013
1. Dr. Alexander Imich...............4 II 1903.....111* Polska/USA
2. Gallai Rezso...........................29 I 1904.....110* Wêgry
Arturo Licata 1902-2014
Zdaje siê ¿e Gallai Rezso zosta³ Najstarszym Mê¿czyzn± w Europie.