Reporta¿ telewizji TVN.,59/zm … 37383.html
W wieku 107(?) lat:
To w wieku 107 lat, czu³ du¿o lepiej ni¿ w wieku 111:
This picture I have never seen before:
Link to an article: … /10238015/
It was done at Dr. Alexander Imich's 110th birthday in Feb. 2013.
I am amazed in how great physical shape he was at age 110.
This Jan. 2013 photo provided by Michael Mannion shows Alexander Imich, the world's oldest man, at his residence in New York, with his neice, Karen Bogen, left, and his longtime friend Trish Corbett.(Photo: Michael Mannion/ Associated Press)
This May 7, 2014 photo provided by Michael Mannion shows Alexander Imich, the world's oldest man, at his residence in New York. He died on June 8.(Photo: Michael Mannion/ Associated Press)
"Alexander Imich, the world's oldest man, passed away Sunday in his New York City home at 111.
Imich, a chemist and Polish immigrant, was born in 1903.
Imich reflected on his life in an interview with The New York Times in May. He and his wife escaped the Holocaust, but lost many of their family members. In the 1950s, the couple immigrated to the United States.
In the interview, Imich credited his longevity to not having children and his athletic nature.
This Jan. 2013 photo provided by Michael Mannion shows Alexander Imich, the world's oldest man, at his residence in New York, with his neice, Karen Bogen, left, and his longtime friend Trish Corbett.(Photo: Michael Mannion/ Associated Press)
"I was a gymnast," he told the Times. "Good runner, a good springer. Good javelin, and I was a good swimmer," he said. He never drank alcohol and quit smoking a long time ago, the Times reported.
At 92, Imich edited and published a book on the occult called Incredible Tales of the Paranormal.
Guinness World Records is reviewing whether Japan's Sakari Momoi, also 111, is now the world's oldest man, the Associated Press reported.
116-year-old Misao Okawa of Japan is the world's oldest person, according to the Gerontology Research Group."
Alexander Imich, najstarszym mê¿czyzn± na ¶wiecie! WIDEO !
Odwiedziny rabbi'ego
W m³odo¶ci by³ podobny te¿ do mojego nauczyciela, ale od maszyn rolniczych. Ale jemu nie wró¿e tak d³ugiego ¿ycia, bo du¿o pali.
Mo¿e Twój nauczyciel te¿ na ¿ydowskie korzenie lub ma potencja³ superstuletni ;]
Swoj± drog± niesamowite, ¿e w wieku 110 lat ma wci±¿ tak gêsty zarost.
Pamiêtam, ¿e Aarne Arvonen te¿ mia³ brodê po 110. urodzinach.
M³ody Alexander jest podobny do mojego nauczyciela historii.
Dr Alexander Imich
w m³odszych latach
105 lat
107 lat
110 lat!